Lent Day 34

Lent Day 34 - by Gillian Kingston

Psalm 23 has always been very special to me but particularly so in the difficult times in my life.

I remember at one time being completely overwhelmed and full of fear, my Dad who was my Mother’s carer was dying of cancer and I had a baby on the way, it reached a stage where I did not know if a birth or death would come first. It was an emotional rollercoaster.

I went along to a meeting and one of the hymns we were singing was one based on Psalm 23 adapted by Stuart Townend. As we sang each verse and chorus the Lord ministered to me powerfully reminding me again that He, The Lord really was my Shepherd and because of that I was not going to want for anything; in particular the strength to cope with what was before me. My baby girl was born first my Dad got to hold her and lived for two weeks and the Lord gave my Mother new strength to manage tasks she had been unable to do for herself for years.

Jesus called Himself the Good Shepherd because He lays down His life for His sheep and He is still the Good Shepherd today and will meet you at your point of need be it salvation, strength, patience, guidance, and so.

If you find yourself overwhelmed today take a read of these beautiful words of psalm 23 or sing them as a Hymn and allow them to minister to you, the chorus in Stuart Townend’s adaptation goes.

‘’And I will trust in You alone, And I will trust in You alone for your endless mercy follows me your goodness will lead me home.”


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