What is IPC?
The IRISH PRAYER CANOPY exists to CONNECT, CELEBRATE and SUPPORT the groups of praying people across the whole island of Ireland through strategic joint gatherings, online communities and encouraging their rhythms of prayer.
The IPC is non–denominational and is founded on worship, prayer and intercession. It recognises that there can be something very big in something very small and seeks to “join the dots” so that the many small clusters of praying people scattered across the land may recognise their strategic role as part of the mighty army who cry out in desperation for God to come.
We don’t see this as just another co–operative or network. We believe that as people connect, gather in unity of heart, mind and voice, and support each other in their rhythms of prayer that God Himself will become the canopy over the land, His presence changing lives in miraculous ways, and empowering His Bride to step into her true identity. One glimpse of His presence and everything changes. As His light and presence grow as a canopy over us, so darkness across our land will be diminished.